Saturday, June 15, 2013

Lost tree fern,Bonfire,pruning Feijoas, New Glasses strawberries and a reunion

1 June  2013
Do you remember this curious photo of a tree fern seemingly in flower from a couple of weeks ago?  We planted it  about 4 years ago and it was just getting to a nice size.   

Weeeellllll.  Ed parked his little Nanna car by the back door. After some time we went outside to find it had rolled back down the drive. Fortunately something had stopped it from actually going down the bank.....  Yes it was the tree fern Completely broken off at the base.
This is the second time Ed has done this.  The last one was with my Mum's Triumph Toledo fairly soon after we arrived - we were still staying inthe barn. Only that did go much further down the bank and we had to get a tow truck out to haul it back up.
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 3 Jun 2013
Late autumn bonfire in a warm wintery sun.  Kids had disappeared inside but we enjoyed the warmth and got lots of vitamin B.  I tried to persuade the others that we should be having a wine but they resisted as they were driving home. I abstained.

 6 Jun 2013
Ed started pruning the Feijoa tree and I experimented with the panorama setting on my phone camera. Ed decided they needed severe pruning this year as they are getting too bushy and we have hardly had any feijoas for a couple of years.  It is a spectacular prune - well we'll see how they go.  They are pretty tough I think they will survive.

New Glasses

Strawberry plants all planted and doing well
 8 June 2013
Robyn Harris-Isles came up to stay with Sonya for a while so we went round  for a dinner and some preloading and then went off to see Rick Bryant.
It is so good to catch uo with Robyn and always interesting to see that no matter what ravages of time are inflicted on the body, the essence of who we are remains constant.
Left to Right: Ben Howe, Sonya Waters, Ed Geddes, Jean Hedges, Robyn Harris-Isles

Ben, Sonya Ed

Jean, Robys and Dog Jefrey

Jefrey looking cute

Watching photos scroll on the TV.  Memories and modern.

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