Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Car cleaning with Breast reconstruction after mastectomy

Car cleaning with Breast reconstruction after mastectomy

I gave my car a ten-year birthday present today. I cleaned it. No not took it through the car wash – I actually cleaned it. Meguiares car shampoo and everything. I even polished it probably for the second time since I bought it about seven years ago.

It has lots of dings and scrapes. None of which I hasten to add did I put there. No TheLoveOfMyLife who for many years after I bought it drove it as though it was disposable caused them. Of course, TLOML drives a Jag so he is used to throwing cars around corners at speed and expecting the vehicle to respond. Unfortunately, the little Toyota Corolla is no Jag and doesn’t handle as well. After many scrapes and scratches, TLOML has finally realised this and so drives it “Like a van” he assures me.

I hate polishing cars and only do so because I like to see the rain forming those little bubbles on the paint. This, however, was the first time I polished the car since the mastectomy and reconstruction. I have an implant of the sort they put in straight after the mastectomy and pump up with silicone over a period of several weeks. Now they did warn me that, because the Pec muscle is stretched over the implant (for some very good technical reason that I can’t be bothered with, just take my word for it, it is) I would lose some of the strength from my Pecs. The truth of it is that – 2 years later – I have almost no strength at all. Wiping down kitchen benches seems to use the Pecs a lot cos that is very tiring and sort of painful in an overworked muscle kind of way. And polishing cars apparently.

Now I don’t know if other forms of reconstruction are better or not. I do know that I have thought about removing the implant because it is a bit debilitating but seemingly it’s not that debilitating and I am too vain because I haven’t done it yet. So if anyone happens to read this and is considering this type of reconstruction, that is my take on it. Oh and I have gained weight a bit in the last two years – well more like when the reconstruction was done I had lost heaps of weight from all the stress of cancer and I am now back to normal. Trouble is its all gone into my other boob which is now bigger that the reconstruction. In addition, the reconstruction doesn’t move around like my natural boob, which results in my clothes slipping across the still one, sitting skewwhiff and sliding to one side, which is ugly and annoying.

If anyone reading this (which is unlikely) wants any info on anything about breast cancer and breast reconstruction feel free to contact me I am 

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