Saturday, March 9, 2013


We've had 34mm of rain this year, we normally have around 230mm. I am having to do a watering round daily for all the trees we planted last autumn. I take buckets of water up the drive (which is 500 meters long) and fill milk bottles from them to place around the trees. This way they at least have 4 liters of water a day but that's just survival level! Why is the grass green? cos we're infested with Kikuyu - an Africa grass which can survive drought but smothers anything near it and is a right pain in the A*$#, and almost impossible to eradicate here in Auckland. But looks good in a drought. The grass in the foreground is more what real grass looks like at the moment

While I am writing this North Korea is all but declaring war on the rest of the world.  This new ruler seems to be more gung-ho than his father.  This is how wars start.........