Tuesday, August 13, 2013

 14th June 2013
I want to have a moan about the Packaging that New World are using for their veges. See the oranges in the bag look nice and - well - orange. When I took them out of the bag they are pale and yellow. It's due to many fine orange lines on the plastic bag enhancing the orange colour. I had the same things with "green" beans being spotted, pale and ugly in reality. Misleading New World
 18th June 2013
wee mushrooms bursting forth from our outdoor table

 22nd June 2013
Our place looking down to Gordons old dam 

The scented Camelia "Joy" planted by Mum 
around 1990 


30th June 2013
Winter sun backlighting cabbage trees. Magical - unlike me - I have a hangover and it's all Jo and Paul's fault. Lo

3rd July 2013
Vegan Pop Up Restaurant
BFF's From left: Paul Wood, Di Wood, Sheryll McIntost, Peter Chaplin, Marni Wood, Morgan McIntosh
 10th July 2013
Sally Greenwood was very pleased that her plant sent up a great flower but wanted to know what it was.  I sent her photos of mine but I didn't know what it was either. It was finally identified by a friend of Sally's as a Yukka Filamentosa called Adams's Fingers. Its winter here so no flowers just the dead stalks from last year.

11 July 2013
a basket fungus and a daffodil on Max's grave. An unusual blend of Autumn and spring.

15th July 2013

Now he is Eleven, Mason is allowed to Mow the lawns. He concentrated well and they looked smooth and clean and had that lovely spring cut grass smell when he had finished. I gave him $5.00 for the job. Ed thought I was overpaying him. Hehehe.

16th July 2013
Mason was so stoked that Lola came and lay down beside him.
He is learning to be very gentle with her and she is learning he is nice.

Forgotten hyacinth popped up under the spirea
20th July 2013
Shooting practice at the farm

The demolished can Cushla shot

Mason concentrating hard. He is a very good shot I don't think he missed any

Bullseye. We shoot cheap drink can. The kids shake them
up hard so they explode on impact. Very satisfying and some would say a good use for thos horrible cheap sugary softdrinks.
28th July 2013
A beautiful winters day

1st August 2013
Spring Daffs and part of our macadamia nut harvest. Seems like a bumper one this year

4th August 2013
Ryan turned 5 today. He really is growing up into a charming young man and I think he had a great day

Cutting the cake all by himself although I notice Mum is hanging around close

4th August 2013
Not only is the willow sprouting, the daisies are up on the lawn, the catkins are laden with pollen and the magnolia is flowering. I keep telling them to go back to sleep because we should get another frost. But they wont listen to me. Plus.. I am watering my garden for the second time this winter. What happened to Aucklands warm wet winters? — at Bothwell Park Rd

9th August 2013
I was moaning at ed cos he wouldn't look at some things I liked in a shop when he walked out and came back with this beautiful bling for my phone. The box ribbon says "being with you makes me so happy" maaawwww. Thank you Ed.