Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Synchronicity and Whispers

"What shall we have for tea?" I asked TLOML yesterday
"Pancakes" he replied from totally left field.
My mouth watered at the thought of them with bacon swimming in Maple Syrup, or my childhood memory of brown sugar and lemon juice. So, blowing away my diet, that’s what we had.

TLOML can eat heaps of pancakes so I cooked seventeen, I had four and he had nine.  I felt smug because I had actually managed to make more than he could eat.

On Facebook today a friend commented that she had eaten too many pancakes.  For a moment, I was amazed that she had had pancakes too but it slowly dawned on me that it was actually Shrove Tuesday.  The one day of a year when we decide to have pancakes turns out to be Shrove Tuesday.  How synchronistic is that?

We had a lesson today on Chinese whispers.  Oh, am I still allowed to call it that?  Maybe just whispers then.
Yesterday Jim Mora on National Radio told a story whereby a photographic studio was looking for strawberries for a shoot.  They contacted a grower and arranged for some, but said, “They’re not very red”  “Don’t worry,” said the grower, “we’ll spray them to make them turn red.”
Jim was wondering if that was normal practice - and is it why strawberries taste so bad recently.
Very concerned, I wrote a text introducing myself, and saying that we have never heard of the practice and would be shocked if it were true.  I signed my name and TLOML’s.
Jim, Bless him, read out our text including our names.
Today our Wonderful Worker said that his wife had heard the programme  and  she told him it said we are starting a programme to spray our strawberries to make them red.  Another friend said exactly the same thing to him. Poor WW was totally flummoxed; he didn’t know anything about it.
Took ages to explain and get it sorted.
How easy it is to get hold of the wrong end of the stick.  That sort of thing could cause wars…

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