Sunday, April 7, 2013


6th April 2013

We had a hedgehog visit us this weekend while the grandchildren were here.  It was the first time Baz had ever seen a hedgehog in real life. We fed it some of Max's remaining cat tins. I noticed it was fly blown. Well the eggs hadn't hatched yet. Anyway I sprayed it with fly strike spray.  Hope I didn't kill it. It seemed stronger for its food but I haven't seen it since so I am not hopeful. A hedgehog out in daylight is not good.
Teddies holding hand
We decided to go to the forestry after that.  We went to the estuary of the Waikato.  We took some cardboard to surf down the sand dunes but the sand was wet and the old boxes didn't slide very well.  We all enjoyed the stab of fear of the steep slopes of sand and relaxed as we rolly-pollied down safe in the softness.  Lola went up and down the dune with ease and Ryan did well but all the adults had to sit down to rest every 10 meters or so. Baz thought he was fit and initially charged up like it was s training run but the dune got to him too and he had to stop after a few meters as well.
Lovely roast lamb for tea and far too much wine. We all crashed early especially the kids. 
Baz has never seen a real hedgehog before
Baz and Ryan.  Note its Easter and Ryan is holding his Chocolate bunny. Can't let that go.

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