Friday, May 10, 2013

Angel,s 50th Birthday trip

4th May 2013

I plumped myself into the car at 7.30 in the morning. Not a good time for me, I don't do mornings at all.  But this was different; we had a long drive down to Raetihi for Angel's 50-birthday party. So yesterday, I made salads, packed them carefully so they would stay fresh.  Rinka saw me cooking all day and apparently, that was so unusual he remarked on it and asked why.  I explained that we take a koha along to family events like this. Koha is a contribution in whatever form the person can give it. So salads and wine was our koha.

We made good time in the Jag on a lovely day. We enjoy our drives, Ed and I, he likes the drive itself throwing the Jag around corners and accelerating to overtake anyone he can.  Whilst I do not particularly enjoy this, he is quite careful and usually safe so I don’t object.  I love being whisked along the countryside, the changing landscapes and colours are so beautiful. This time the autumn colours, particularly of the swamp cypress, looked to almost be aflame.

We stopped at the matahuri Dam and found these toadstools. I don’t think I have seen such large brightly coloured toadstools.  
"One side makes you smaller, the other side makes 
you taller"  I wonder what  happened to whatever
 took a slice of that toadstool

A panorama of the Dam

The dam looked stunning in the wintry  sunshine and I consoled myself that the area ruined by the dam and buildings were a necessary evil for the power it produced.  It is a comparatively small area and not giving ongoing pollution so I guess it’s OK although it is a blot on the green gorge where it sits.

Ed saw Smash Palace from the road
 and we had to go take a look.  I 
think Ed wanted to spend more 
time there but we were nearly
 at Raetihi and I was tired

Stephanie and Ed


Shanaia (don't know how to spell it)

We found Angel and the whanau well and frantic and we soon had drinks in hand and meeting uncles and Aunties from Christchurch, Angel's friends, and catching up on the growth of the kids. We mistook George for Thomas so were amazed when we later saw Thomas all grown up.  George must get that a lot cos he didn’t correct us.

We stayed with an old friend who was one of my bridesmaids.  I hadn’t seen them since they moved to Raetihi around 1984! It is always reassuring to meet old friends and get on so well with them as though it were only yesterday we were at Teachers college and being real rebels.
Uncle Ruru from Christchurch and Peter a 
Local and who knows Lynne


Angel talking to Ricks sister
 The party was great with Maori Korero, Mihimihi and all protocol.  Each person had to earn a piece of cake by performing in some way, a waiata, speech or whatever.  We kicked ourselves for not practising anything and in the end; Ed got his sax while Jenni and I clicked ineffectually and spasmodically on the spoons.  It must have been so horrible it was amusing and we did earn our bit of cake.

We were tired from the early start and the 5 hour trip so went back early and crashed falling asleep to the whizzing and banging of the fireworks that Adriaan brought down floating into our room amid the soft patter of rain.

Adriaan carving with Peter

Adriaan carving and Uncle Ruru in

 Crystal at end of the table
 Left to right, Jeremiah, George
(angel's kids) dont know others

 Uncle Ruru gives a mihi
 Johaan was master of ceremonies

A breakfast of post and watercress was a bit hard on the stomach but the company was great if a little subdued. 
I do love these family get togethers – I have known this family for many years now and really feel a part of it. I enjoy the cuddles and feeling of welcome and warmth. I realised this weekend that I really am a loved part of the family, as I love them back. 

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