Sunday, March 31, 2013

Bothwell Park Rd March 2013

26th March 2013
 Some views of our property taken in March of this year.

The path down to the Dam.  It reminds me of a real English country lane. Abit dry this year but still enchanting
 The Koru reminds me of walking down the bullock track in Grey Lynn. I decided to take a short cut down the bank to get to the playing fields at the bottom.  I slipped and slid down the bank a little way, but soon got caught by the shrubs and young trees growing there.  I sat and admired the view for a bit and then turned to get up.  And screamed and scrambled backwards as I saw there beside me, a giant hairy insect. Turning to see what it was I realised it was a large Koru.  I had only been in NZ for about 7 years and had never seen a ponga koru before and sat amazed at its size and beauty. No wonder Maori revere it.

This photo is of our top paddock all killed off and half cleared to return it to grass. The hypericum market seems to be diminishing for us as we can't compete with product from Peru where they only pay a dollar a day (or maybe even a dollar a week!). hypericum cause a lot of stress as it is such a large crop for us.  Ed decided to go into semi retirement and cut the crop down for next year to what we managed to actually sell this year.  So we are returning it to grass and I will put a couple of cattle beasts on there.  I am quite looking forward to that I love the cattle they are inquisitive and engaging.

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