Sunday, March 31, 2013

Ed's Birthday

19th March 2013

As usual Ed was decidedly grumpy on his birthday but fortunately for us, he managed to keep it under control for the evening.  We went round to have tea with Cush, Baz and the Kids.  We (including Eamon) had all pitched in for a sax case that he wanted.  Bob came over too and as is normal for this year the weather was perfect.  We sat out on the deck and drank and ate till we were more than full.  Ed got quite tipsy and his usual ornery self.  Poor me had to drive him home the "highlight" of which was when he opened the door of the Jag while we were driving on the motorway "Just to see if it was locked".  He then proceeded to prod and poke every button as if he didn't know what each one did.  I locked the doors from my drivers door and hoped he wouldn't distract me too much.  He wouldn't admit to a hangover the next day
Left to right.  Baz  sitting on stool, Ryan (part hidden) Bob (foreground) Mason Emma Ed

Baz, Cushla Ryan (sitting in front of Cush), Bob, left foreground, Mason Emma Ed

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