Sunday, March 31, 2013


Easter Monday 1st April 2013
Gordon told us to go get some mushrooms from his paddock down the straight so today's bike ride had us going down there to pick them. The stream under the bridge is very low from the drought but as I thought, the small shower we had last night was just enough to encourage them to pop up.  They are just like the ones my Mum used to describe as edible - dark brown/black on the underside and the skin on the top peels back easily. 
"Don't eat any mushrooms apart from these." she used to warn us. 

 Round our place the mushrooms are white underneath and I wouldn't eat them.  Ed reckons he has tried one or two but he took the opportunity to ask Gordon as he used to own our land and grew up there.
"I was told to leave those ones alone." was his reply.

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